Why should I fast during Lent?
The purpose of fasting during Lent is to abstain from things like food, drink, or certain routine actions in order to remind us that only God can truly satisfy our soul-level hunger.
We fast from things that bring us comfort
in order to feast on God’s presence.
Consider the following questions.
(Pay attention to any invitation you sense from the Spirit.)
- Have I become dependent on something other than God to attend to the deeper aches of my soul?
- What do I use to find pleasure, comfort, or emotional regulation?
- What conveniences am I conditioned to automatically use? (e.g. elevators or escalators instead of stairs, sleeping in, close parking spaces, music/podcasts in the background, etc.)
- What could I abstain from that might create more time/space in my day to help draw my attention to my deeper need for Jesus?
Consider the following list.
Below, you will find some frequent things people fast from in the season of Lent. (Pay attention to any invitation you sense from the Spirit.)
Foods that are generally associated with feasting: Chocolate, all desserts, coffee, caffeine, alcohol, meat, bread, etc.
Full Fast – liquids only (under doctor supervision)
Daniel Fast
Partial Fast – Day of the week, sunup to sundown, abstaining certain meals in the day, etc.
Media or Entertainment – cell phone apps, television, a streaming service, movies, radio or music in the car, computer at home, video games, social media, etc.
Habits and Comforts – shopping (online and/or in stores), using elevators instead of stairs, parking in a spot close to the store, finding the shortest checkout line, surfing the internet when bored, etc.